A big ‘Thank You!’ for recent large donations

We just wanted to say huge thanks to our generous supporters, who we have recently recieved some large donations from. Over the last few months, we have been given several donations in the hundreds of pounds and one of a thousand pounds! This is a huge boost for our charity, because we are reliant on donations for all our costs apart from salaries. The fact that all our staffing is funded by grants (including from the The National Lottery Community Fund), means that donations from the public go directly to meeting the needs of those we support, so they really make all the difference to our beneficiaries.

As well as the large one-off donations, we have a growing base of supporters who give smaller amounts every month, which obviously add up to a lot over the year. This type of regular donation helps us to plan our work and ensures that we can continue to deliver the emergency support and ongoing programmes that so many are reliant upon – this means that Sanctuary in Chichester is increasingly sustainable. So a massive thank you to all our regular donors too – we so appreciate your generosity!

Lastly but definitely not least, we want to thank those who make one-off small donations because they really want to help but don’t have much to spare. We know that these donations are often extremely generous compared to donor’s incomes and we want to reassure you that every one of these makes a difference and they all add up to a significant amount – solidarity in giving! We are truly grateful to you for deciding to donate to us.

Photo by Kevin Butz

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